Ainslie Chuah

Ainslie Chuah

Behaviour Therapist
BSc (Hons) Psychology
Ainslie is a Behaviour Therapist with Think Kids. She holds a Bachelor of Science in Psychology with honours from the University of Reading.

Through her passion in the field of Mental Health and Psychology, Ainslie has worked with both adults and children with varying diagnoses (e.g. Intellectual Disabilities, Autism Spectrum Disorder, Schizophrenia, and Down Syndrome) enabling them with life skills required to be self-sufficient and have tools to integrate into society. Ainslie finds it incredibly rewarding when her clients achieve improvements over time and is an advocate for early intervention.

Ainslie believes that children learn best through play and is dedicated to making her sessions fun and engaging. During her free time, Ainslie loves playing with her dogs and going to the beach. Ainslie is fluent in both English and Mandarin and can understand basic Malay.