Make informed decisions.

Not all providers are the same.


All ABA programs are not the same because any good program should be customised for the developmental objectives and abilities of the specific individual receiving therapy.

Hence, it is important that you research the credentials and experience of any ABA provider you consider for your child as it is the provider who is responsible for ensuring the program is appropriate for the development objectives.

At Think Kids, we have an team of qualified psychologists experienced in ABA programming and implementation. Our psychologists’ primary responsibility is for initial programming and regular monitoring/revision to ensure your child’s ABA program remains relevant and appropriate during the duration of therapy with Think Kids.

Yes – and it is important for parents to be involved in their child’s ABA program.

Parents can help to generalize skills and continue ABA outside of a therapy session.

However, we do not encourage parents to do the bulk of the therapy hours because of risk of burn-out.

A good quality ABA program will not cause a child to become “robotic”.

Our ABA program is individualised to develop independent thinking skills, promote flexibility, and generalization across people, locations, and materials. 

A diagnosis is not needed to receive intervention at Think Kids but might be recommended based on the conditions presented by your child.

Whether or not your child has completed a diagnostic assessment, prior to commencing therapy, the psychologist will observe/interact with your child to  gain a better understanding of his/her strengths and weaknesses.   This information will them be used to formulate the initial treatment plan.

Think Kids is one of the few ABA, early intervention and social skills providers in Singapore which has full-time specialised psychologists responsible for ensuring that all treatment programs are specifically tailored to bring the best out of your child.

We only apply evidence based methods of treatment proven for delivering results and comply with the professional code of ethics of the Singapore Psychological Society.

To find out more about Think Kids, please visit About Us and Our Team.

Every child is different, so there is no “normal” duration of treatment.  Notwithstanding, ABA is a long term treatment program that requires consistency.

In most cases, most children receive treatment for 2-5 years but with a reduced model of service after some time.

It takes commitment if you want your child to receive ABA but is worth the effort given this evidence-based method has proven to deliver results and is recognised by various international authorities, including, the Singapore Ministry of Health.

Research has demonstrated that “more is better” when it comes to behaviour intervention therapy.

In general, Think Kids suggests a minimum of 20 hours a week for a program to be effective.  This therapy could be a combination of Think Kids and parent / caregiver interaction.

Applied Behaviour Analysis (ABA) has been proven by numerous studies to be one of the best methods for managing problem and aberrant behaviour, such as, self-injurious, ritualistic, repetitive, aggressive and disruptive behaviour,

Whilst normally associated with Autism, ABA is not solely an Autism treatment and has been effectively used with children who are in need of behaviour modification or need to learn basic, but essential, life skills.

Your child does not need to join a social skills group but it is likely be very beneficial for them especially if they struggle with appropriate social behaviour and interaction.

Whilst normally associated with Autism, ABA is not solely an Autism treatment and has been effectively used with children who are in need of behaviour modification or need to learn basic, but essential, life skills.

During the initial intake, you will meet your assigned Think Kids’ psychologist who will review/discuss detailed information about your child’s medical, educational and developmental history.

The psychologist will also discuss your developmental objectives for the child and any other specific areas of concern you have with your child’s behaviour.

After receiving this information, the psychologist will suggest treatment recommendations and how Think Kids can assist.  

The initial intake will take approximately 90 minutes.

Social Skills FAQs

The approach taken for teaching skills to your child will be based on a process of modelling, practising, and feedback.

Each session will cover a different social skill, but children will be encouraged to continue utilising skills from previous weeks in each session.

Often we use a “reward” system with children to encourage learning and application of new skills.  The reward system can be applied both in the social group setting and by parents when the child is at home.

Your child does not need to join a social skills group but it is likely be very beneficial for them especially if they struggle with appropriate social behaviour and interaction.

Social skills enable communication, problem-solving, decision making, self-regulation, and the ability to understand peers.

These skills are essential for your child to create and continue friendships with others.

Please visit our Social Skills page for more information.

Without proper social skills, children often display behavioural difficulties in school, bullying, low self-esteem, problems in making & maintaining friendships, anxiety, and depression.

Your child will benefit from learning and interacting in a structured environment with their peer group.  

By observing and interacting with others, your child will should be able to better understand his/her own feelings as well as behaviours of others.

Group settings also allow your child to practice behaviour in a social setting with their peer group in a safe environment.


We first noticed symptoms related to ASD when Jayden and Jordan (identical twins) were 2 years old. The boys were non-verbal, had poor eye contact, and displayed self-stimulatory behaviours like hand-flapping and spinning.

As parents with little knowledge about Autism, my husband and I were naturally worried, anxious, and lost. We started seeking professional help and that was when came we across Think Kids. We had the initial assessment with a Clinical Psychologist at Think Kids.

Aside from being professional in her work, she also came across as very friendly and approachable. She listened to our concerns and answered our questions patiently. We decided to enrol our sons in the one-on-one ABA therapy.

Each of them received an individual intervention plan that was customized to their needs. In a few months, we saw improvements in our sons’ condition. Eye contact improved, and they became more responsive to their names. The reinforcer also gradually shifted from food to toys and praises. What made us more excited was that they began to speak their first words.

It has now been two and a half years since we embarked on this journey with Think Kids. The boys grew from irresponsive and uncooperative to much more interactive and compliant. They are now speaking in full sentences and asking lots of questions every day. They are attending half-day program at preschool and are starting to initiate play with their peers.

We would like to express our gratefulness to all the Case Supervisors and Behavioural Therapists, who have helped Jayden and Jordan along this journey.

They have given tremendous support, not only to our children, but also to us as parents. They would give us feedback after each session to help us understand what the boys have done in each session. They would patiently listen to our concerns and answer any questions we had. They would also spend extra time teaching us techniques that helped us to manage any behavioural issues we faced, even out of the session hours. The boys have built great relationship with their teachers and look forward to having their therapy sessions.

There are still a lot of gaps to close, and we know that it will not be an easy journey ahead. But as we continue to see small improvements day by day, we are feeling more hopeful about our sons’ future.
Thank you, Think Kids, for always being there for us. We would recommend this place to families that are seeking early intervention for their children.

Melody, January 2021

Before Think Kids my son struggled with his self-esteem, regulating his emotions and being impulsive. We’ve been with Think Kids for three years and I’m happy to say he has grown tremendously. He’s more confident and has self-awareness and thoroughly enjoys his time with his Think Kids therapist.

I would 100% recommend Think Kids and have recommended them to parents in the past. We have had a wonderful experience with their entire clinic.

Thank you Think Kids for allowing my son to see his full potential.

Julie, January 2021

我的孩子患有ADHD,幼儿园 K2 的时候我们发现了孩子的问题并且找到Think Kids来为孩子做ABA的治疗。之前孩子在幼儿园时很孤僻,时常沉浸在自己的世界中没办法跟随老师的指令。注意力也非常短暂,在学习等各方面都受到了影响。孩子的语言发展也很缓慢不能表达出自己的意愿。

在接受了Think Kids老师ABA的介入治疗后,孩子顺利进入普通的小学接受正常的教育。在之后的几年里针对孩子在学校里出现的问题老师也都耐的对孩子进行了帮助和辅导。现在孩子四年级了,能正常的学习以及参加学校活动,遇到不顺心的事情也能很快的调整好情绪冷静下来,心理健康积极向上。我特别感谢Think Kids的老师为孩子的细心付出,不光让孩子的生活回归到正常轨道,孩子也觉得老师是一位可以信赖的朋友。希望我的经历可以帮助更多的家长,让每个有需要帮助的孩子也能和其他普通的孩子一样快乐的成长。

Grace, January 2021

My daughter, Claire was diagnosed with ASD co-morbid with William Syndrome and has been receiving support from Think Kids since 2012. The lovely team has helped Claire in all areas of her learning, from essential skills (e.g., walking, toilet training, feeding, bathing and dressing), assisting with her communication and social skills.

Think Kids has helped Claire transition through many of the obstacles and challenges that my daughter’s disability had posed. Claire has come a long way with the help of the exceptional therapists, program managers and psychologists. She is now able to exchange loving eye-contact, read effectively and exchange smiles socially. The team has been like a family to Claire and I’m thankful for the support that she’s received up until Claire’s recent relocation back to the US 2020.

Without any reservations I would highly recommend Think Kids to any family or child with special needs. ❤️

2020 – Lily Meng (Singapore to Las Vegas – Nevada)

My son’s journey with Think Kids began in 2017. My son has Autism Spectrum Disorder and I wanted to see if ABA Therapy could help him with his behavioural issues. We started with home based sessions and having it 3 times a week. My son at first like all other kids did not like the idea of being told to follow instructions and expressed his discontent by crying, throwing tantrums and misbehaving. Being a child with Autism, he had a lot of behavioural and learning issues to be addressed.

The Case Supervisor and the therapist were so amazing with my son. They developed a rapport with him and are so dedicated to their work. The Case Supervisor gives us weekly updates on how things are going with my son and gives recommendations on how to best deal with any issues we are encountering. With the help of his therapists at Think Kids my son is able to go through his daily activities with some degree of confidence, although he cannot prepare for every challenge that life throws at him but he can go through it with whatever they have taught and guided him with.

Anonymous, January 2021